It would be difficult to explain the background and expertise of IT-NetLogistics without first understanding the service background of its founder.  Mr. Fitzgerald has been in the IT service business for 35 years and has previously founded and developed two successful IT service businesses that operated across much of North America and are still in operation today. Mr. Fitzgerald was successful in marketing his business services to many Fortune 1000 companies. Many of the clients we service have a national footprint, while others are regional having a single location. Our services are available to all clients regardless of the number of locations in their network.

“In the service business it is imperative that you prove to your client, and continue to demonstrate, your ability to perform time and time again in routine and critical conditions. We further believe that the service business is a relationship and partnership business. Both the client and the service provider are essential to each other’s successes. The longer the relationship continues, the more critical the partnership becomes, and it is during this occurrence that success is achieved.

It is a feather in ones hat to be able to say you have provided nearly 50 million dollars in services to a single client over a 20-year period. “The longevity of 20 years of service to a single client speaks for itself.


For more information about IT-NetLogistics, please contact us.